How To Get Rid Of Cluster Flies In Your Attic

cluster fly

How To Get Rid Of Cluster Flies In Your Attic

It’s not tough to grasp why you don’t want a cluster fly infestation in your attic (or anywhere else in your home.) 

No homeowner wants to deal with a fly infestation. Flies are a nuisance – especially in large groups. If you are dealing with a cluster fly infestation, you know the annoyance of a large amount of flies buzzing around your attic.

Fly infestations such as house and cluster fly infestations are common throughout Oregon and Washington. If you reside in the Pacific Northwest, it is best to know when and how to address a fly infestation in your home. 

Identifying The Type Of Fly Infestation

Differences between fly types can be minimal when examined from the bare human eye. For example, cluster flies are often confused with house flies. While cluster flies are the larger of the two, it’s a very small difference. You most likely won’t know the difference simply from their physical appearance. 

Alternatively, observing the behavior of the flies can be a better queue to help identify what type of flies are in your house. Identifying the type of fly infestation is crucial in pest prevention and removal. If you are still determining the type of fly in your home, a professional pest control company will be able to help. 

Identifying A Cluster Fly Infestation

Cluster Fly Appearance

Cluster flies, also known as early winter flies and attic flies, appear to be dark black and about 7mm long. Their thoraxes are coated in gold-colored hair, which may be visible in light. However, their hair rubs off without much resistance, making the physical markers of gold-colored hair to be unreliable in identifying the type of fly infestation. 

Cluster Fly Behavior

Do you have a bunch of flies zooming around your house rapidly, irritating the living daylights out of you? If so, you may not have a cluster fly infestation.

Cluster flies are known to gather in large groups in attics and other enclosed spaces in homes. Cluster flies are couch potatoes when they’re indoors. They prefer to slowly fly around areas near a heat and light source. Cluster flies will swarm windows during sunny winter days due to their attraction to heat sources like sunshine. 

You’ll also find them near light bulbs, wall voids, sealing cracks, electrical outlets, small openings, and other nooks and crannies around your home. Cluster flies will also nest in your insulation if they can get in there.

As fall and winter seasons begin, cluster flies seek shelter for months of hibernation. An attic is a perfect place that offers shelter, and warmth and is set away from humans. 

Why Are Cluster Flies A Problem?

Cluster flies lay eggs when spring starts but they won’t do so in your home. Cluster flies do not pose a significant threat to your home or health however they are quite annoying. 

Since cluster flies travel in large numbers, you will be dealing with a great amount of flies infesting your attic. For peace of mind and to ensure the cluster flies do not attract more pests into your attic – you will want to contact a professional pest control company to deal with the cluster fly infestation.

How Do Cluster Flies Enter My Home?

Cluster flies enter houses through:

  • Loose window screens
  • Damaged window screens
  • Door cracks
  • Window cracks
  • Floor crevices
  • Gaps in siding
  • Through attic screen vents

They’ll make their move when temperatures start to drop, seeking a cozy spot for hibernation. Expect them to be a presence in your home–in the case of an infestation–from fall until early spring.

DIY Tips To Get Rid Of Cluster Flies In Attic.

DIY pest prevention is a mitigative measure but not a permanent solution. Handling the issue with homemade remedies may act as a bandage covering the problem. DIY solutions may help mitigate the issue until a professional pest control company can inspect the infestation. 

While cluster fly infestation issues call for professional extermination services, prevention is the most effective way to keep flies out of your house. Extermination and removal are reactive measures to a problem that’s grown out of control. They don’t address the root cause. Rather, they eliminate an immediate issue.

The most helpful initiative homeowners can take is to prevent future fly infestations from happening. Here are a few ways to do so:

  • Properly seal all windows, doors, and floors
  • Block all entry points in the attic
  • Maintain a clean and organized attic
  • Do not store food, liquids, or trash in your attic

You can bolster cluster fly prevention efforts by hiring Pest Pros to equip your home for the peak infestation season. We’ll help identify vulnerable areas and implement measures to keep cluster flies out of your home.

Pest Pros prefers working with our clients on proactive pest control strategies and systems. This way, you won’t need to take any extreme measures.

Dealing With A Cluster Fly Infestation? Contact Pest Pros

Pest Pros can promise our customers who hire us that you’ll have vastly experienced pest control professionals on your side. We’ll send our best employees to handle the job. Anyone from our team who is working in your home will be bonded and insured.

If you have a fly infestation of any type, Pest Pros is here to help. Receive a free estimate today to eliminate your cluster fly infestation once and for all.